What is your shipping policy?

We are happy to offer shipping to US/Canadian addresses. Please note, this is a made-to-order, handmade item and it may take up to 4-6 weeks to receive your order. We thank you for your patience as we work to keep good old fashioned craftmanship alive! It will be worth the wait, honest.


We use the USPS for the majority of domestic deliveries. We’re happy to ship to Canada.


For those outside of North America, we can work with you individually to coordinate an international order. Just shoot us a note at info@theriverlineco.com prior to placing your order. Thank you!

Is there a bulk / wholesale discount?

Yes! Hello brides! Hello shopowners! We look forward to connecting. Send is a line at info@theriverlineco.com and we’ll connect!

Any other questions?

Drop us a line at info@theriverlineco.com and we’ll get back to you quickly with the support you need!